
101 Red Roses

101 Red Roses

One hundred and one roses is a way of expressing love and the desire to be always together. This is an ageless classic – many dream of receiving such a gift one day, but only a few are honored with it.

Rose is one of the most beautiful flowers, so delicate and at the same time with character. They began to be grown in ancient Rome, but the modern rose is the result of multiple crosses and selections of breeders.

Flowers will please any woman, and a bouquet of 101 roses will not only give a sea of indescribable emotions, but will also be a wonderful proof of love. After all, only a loved one wants to give all the best, and what could be more beautiful than a huge bouquet of the most beautiful flowers? About 3 million roses are sold every year on Valentine’s Day. Scientists have proven that the scent of a rose makes people happier.

On what occasion do they give 101 roses
Of course, in order to please a loved one, you do not need to wait for an opportunity, but a huge bouquet will be appropriate for some significant event. It can be a birthday, anniversary, engagement, the birth of a child or a declaration of love, which is not easy for everyone. This is a very exciting and emotional moment that I want to fill with romance and pleasant memories. A huge bouquet will please your beloved for a long time with its aroma and solemn appearance.

The most spectacular way to give a bouquet is to do it unexpectedly. Delivery of flowers to your home or work will take you by surprise, cause a lot of positive emotions and a sincere smile on your beloved face. 101 roses after a long separation are a clear sign of love, impatient expectation and happiness from the meeting. Therefore, if it is difficult for you to find words at a crucial moment, just please a dear person with a bouquet and you can be sure that even unspoken words will be heard.

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